Wednesdays with Wrigley: Crazy dog lady

Wednesdays with WrigleyIt’s not much of a secret: I love my doggie. I blog about him. He has his own Instagram. I buy him toys and treats. I take lots of pictures of him. I talk about him to my friends and family. While I don’t do any of this stuff in excess (I hope!), it’s still made me wonder: Am I a crazy dog lady?

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Wednesdays with Wrigley: Why I ditched the nylon collar

Wednesdays with Wrigley

This series covers my first puppy, Wrigley, and any lessons I learn as I raise him. Find him on Instagram @puppywrigley.

On the day I got Wrigley, I reluctantly left him at home and ran to the pet store to get some initial supplies- a leash, food, chew sticks, toys, and, of course, a collar. After scanning all the choices I settled on a red nylon collar with a black plastic snap.

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Wednesdays with Wrigley: 10 New facts of life as a dog owner

Wednesdays with WrigleyThis series covers my first puppy, Wrigley, and any lessons I learn as I raise him. Find him on Instagram @puppywrigley.

  1. It’s not unusual to find chew sticks buried between the covers on my bed and realize I’ve slept with them there for a few nights already.
  2. I talk in a mommy voice 50% of the time now. It also carries over to other situations, like when I’m excited. I can’t seem to turn it off.
  3. I am really in tune with bowel movements.
  4. In addition to my own schedule of work and meals, I now have a new area to consider: playtime.
  5. I plan my outings around nap time whenever possible, tiring him out with fetch or a walk so he’ll sleep while I’m gone instead of getting into trouble.
  6. Even if he’s ready for a nap, my heart breaks a little when I have to leave the house with him standing by the door staring up at me, his sad puppy eyes saying, “Are you sure I can’t come with you?”
  7. Those little plastic thingys that secure the ends of shoelaces, hoodie ties, etc…? Those are a thing of the past.
  8. All these games of fetch are really building the muscles in my right arm and perfecting my aim.
  9. My phone is full of puppy photos and I now use his Instagram account more than my own.
  10. I have found I hold a new power. It lies in the phrase, “Do you want to go for a walk?”

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Wednesdays with Wrigley: What’s so bad about bath time?

Wednesdays with WrigleyThis series covers my first puppy, Wrigley, and any lessons I learn as I raise him. Find him on Instagram @puppywrigley.

Since I got Wrigley when he was just two months old, I was hopeful I could mold his disposition towards bath time. My family has had four dogs and each of them quickly learned to run away and hide upon hearing the word “bath.” I wanted Wrigley to be different. He didn’t have to like it, but I figured I could coach him to at least accept it.

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