Wednesdays with Wrigley: A lot happens in one month

Wednesdays with Wrigley puppy This series covers my first puppy, Wrigley, and any lessons I learn as I raise him. Find him on Instagram @puppywrigley.

I got Wrigley at the beginning of February at the age of 2 months, when his little one-pound self could fit in one hand. He just reached 4 months last week, and now requires two hands and a bit of muscle to carry. A lot has changed since his first night home, when I woke up every hour to comfort him when he cried.

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How to cope with homesickness

homesicknessI’m back at my family’s house in Ohio, sitting on the bed in my childhood room with our dog. I’m not ready to go back to Charlotte. This trip home was just a few days long and even though I enjoyed it, it didn’t feel like enough.

Even if you’re sick of your small town or hated your home life, there will be something you’ll miss. It’s inevitable. How do you deal with it?

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