Wednesdays with Wrigley: Why I ditched the nylon collar

Wednesdays with Wrigley

This series covers my first puppy, Wrigley, and any lessons I learn as I raise him. Find him on Instagram @puppywrigley.

On the day I got Wrigley, I reluctantly left him at home and ran to the pet store to get some initial supplies- a leash, food, chew sticks, toys, and, of course, a collar. After scanning all the choices I settled on a red nylon collar with a black plastic snap.

A few weeks later I was trying to get Wrigley used to being outside on a cable. He wanted to go out, so I hooked his collar to the cable and came back in the house to get some work done. About 10 minutes later I peeked on the window to check on him. I was horrified when I saw the cable lying on the ground, still clipped to the collar, which was unbuckled and empty.

I ran to the front door and threw it open. There was Wrigley, standing on the porch, tail wagging, waiting by the door to come inside.

To this day I still get emotional when I think about how I could have easily lost him. Had he not wanted to come back inside and be near me so badly, or had something like a squirrel popped up outside to distract him, I might not still have him right now.

After that day I got rid of the nylon collar with its cheap plastic buckle and switched to a leather collar instead. It fastens like a belt and is far more secure.

Have you had any problems with a nylon collar? Or maybe you’ve had a similar near-loss experience with your pet. Let me know in the comments below or post on Instagram with the tag #wrigleywednesdays.

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