How to balance nostalgia for all the places you call home

Missing somewhere elseI went to college in Chicago, spent a semester in Maine, lived in Phoenix for six months. I’ve spent summers at a camp in Pennsylvania, grew up primarily in Ohio, made numerous trips to an orphanage in Mexico. Now I’m living in Charlotte, and while it’s not my favorite place, I can tell that there are things I’ll miss.

My nostalgia comes and goes for these places, especially during certain times of the year. Spring triggers memories of Mexico, while fall has me wishing I were in Chitown. The summer nights aren’t quite as hot anywhere else as they were in Phoenix.

Sometimes it gets overwhelming. I can’t be in every place I love at once. But I have a few things I do to get me by.

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Rep your state with license plate decor

licenseplates2I’m all about my home state now that I’ve lived in so many others. I also had a ton of leftover license plates lying around. The DMV says you’re supposed to mail the old ones back in when you get a new one. (I wonder if anyone actually complies.) Can’t fool me though. I already paid for them, so…DIY anyone?

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